9 min readDec 22, 2022

Abel Tasman is one of the most well known explorers in New Zealand. He was born in 1596 and died in 1643. He sailed around New Zealand on three separate voyages, discovering the islands and making valuable discoveries about the land and its people.

The Facts:

1. Abel Tasman was the first European to discover the southern coast of New Zealand.

2. Tasman named the island after his brother, Abel, who died in a shipwreck on the way there.

3. Tasman sailed along the east coast of New Zealand in 1642 and discovered the Otago Peninsula.

4. He also charted parts of the South Island and made the first recorded European landing on Aotearoa/New Zealand in 1643.

5. He also discovered Australia and the South Island of New Zealand.

6. Tasman was killed on his way back to Europe after his journey around the world.

7. His body was never found, but his ship, The Bounty, was discovered by sailors in 1789.

8. The wreck of The Bounty is now a popular tourist attraction in New Zealand.

We shall now see the broad overview of facts about Abel Tasman.

Who is Abel Tasman?

Abel Tasman was a Dutch explorer who sailed into the unknown in 1642. He discovered the islands now known as Tasmania, which is part of Australia. Tasman was a brave and daring sailor, and his explorations led to the discovery of many new lands. He is also remembered for his tragic death, which occurred while he was exploring an uncharted region in New Zealand.

Importance of Abel Tasman.

Abel Tasman was a Dutch explorer who in 1642 sailed along the west coast of Australia, discovering new land. He named it after his ship, the Abel Tasman. The significance of this discovery lies not just in the fact that land had been discovered off the coast of Australia — which was unheard of at the time — but also because Tasman’s voyage demonstrated that there was a great potential for trade and exploration in this newly discovered territory.

This knowledge eventually led to increased European settlement and exploitation of Australia, which has had a significant impact on its history and culture.

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The Voyage:

Abel Tasman was born on July 26th, 1565, in the Netherlands. In 1642, Tasman sailed from Amsterdam on an expedition to discover a new land across the southern ocean. After sailing for weeks and months, he finally saw what he thought was an island ahead of him on August 29th, 1642.

He named the island after himself — Tasmania — and continued his voyage to find what he thought might be a new continent. However, upon arriving at the island in November 1642, he found that it was not an island but a group of small islands.

After further exploration, Tasman discovered that there were actually four islands and that they were all part of a large continent — Zealand (now known as New Zealand).

Preparations for the Voyage.

Preparations for the voyage were underway long before Abel Tasman set sail. The ship’s carpenter, for example, had been making repairs and replacing parts since December of 1642. Despite this extensive work, however, the ship was not ready to set sail until January of 1643 due to a number of issues.

Chief among these were disagreements between the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and Tasman about who should be in charge of the voyage and how it should be conducted.

Finally, on January 26th, after much tension and negotiation, the ships set sail from Amsterdam with a crew of approximately 160 men and women. The voyage would take them around Cape Horn, across the Pacific Ocean and into modern-day Australia.

Setting Sail on the Abel Tasman.

My journey on the Abel Tasman has been one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. The islands, waters and people are incredibly stunning and I am so thankful to have been able to experience them all.

The Abel Tasman is a veritable paradise, full of pristine beauty that is hard to find elsewhere on earth. The island’s isolated location combined with its natural resources has made it one of New Zealand’s most prosperous areas.

The voyage itself was beautiful, and even more so when I was able to share it with my travelling companions. Seeing the expressions on their faces as we sailed past the various islands was truly priceless — they all seemed to be in a state of awe. Even now, weeks after returning home, I can still picture each face perfectly and feel lucky that I was able to share this incredible journey with them all.

Facts About Abel Tasman.
Credit: Moa Trek.

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A Difficult Voyage.

“I was excited to go on my family’s six week voyage to Tasmania. Six weeks seemed like a short amount of time, but it turned out to be one of the most difficult voyages I have ever been on.

We sailed from San Francisco and stopped in Hawaii for a few days before continuing our journey towards Australia. The weather was perfect the whole way, but as soon as we got close to Tasmania, the wind started blowing very hard and the waves were crashing against the ship.

It seemed like nothing could stop the stormy conditions, but eventually we arrived at our destination. The experience was bittersweet because while it was great to be in Tasmania, I hated feeling like I was constantly fighting against bad weather.” Abel Said.

Arrival at the Island of Tasmania.

The first Europeans to discover the island of Tasmania were Dutch sailors in 1642. They named it Van Diemen’s Land after one of their captain, Hendrick van Diemen. The English explorer Abel Tasman sighted the island in 1643 and named it after his sponsor, the Dutch East India Company.

Tasmanian history is full of tragedy and adventure. In 1795 a French expedition led by Nicholas Baudin discovered Tasmania was not an island but part of Australia. When news reached England, the British government decided to claim Tasmania as part of their empire.

This led to three years of bloody conflict known as The War of 1812 with the Tasmanians resisting fiercely. In 1813 British forces captured Hobart Town and declared themselves rulers of Tasmania. Today, Tasmania is a peaceful and prosperous island nation with a rich cultural heritage.

Exploration of the Island of Tasmania.

The Abel Tasman Exploration of the Island of Tasmania was an important event in New Zealand and Australia history, as it marked the first time Europeans set foot on the islands that now make up Tasmania.The expedition was led by Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, who sailed from Batavia in Indonesia in 1642 with a crew of 26 men.

They landed on the east coast of Tasmania on January 14th, 1643 and named the island Van Diemen’s Land after a governor of Dutch East Indies at the time. However, they were not able to explore much further than this as their boat was destroyed by storms while they were anchored off Cape Pillar near King George Sound.

A Fateful Discovery.

A fateful discovery occurred in the year 1642 when Dutch explorer Abel Tasman sailed the seas, and discovered New Zealand. His voyage and discoveries were an incredible feat for the time, one that would impact generations of people to come. Little did he know his journey and findings would eventually become facts about Abel Tasman.

Tasman was born in Lutjegast, Netherlands in 1603, where his humble beginnings began as a sailor working on merchant ships. As part of his job he travelled widely, eventually navigating along uncharted coastlines of many new islands around Australia as well as New Zealand’s two main islands which became known as North Island and South Island. He even charted some parts of Fiji but never set foot there due to strong currents preventing him from anchoring safely at any point.

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The Return Journey Home.

The return journey home is something that can bring a variety of emotions, from happiness and excitement to sadness and dread. For me, the thought of returning home always brings a sense of optimism and anticipation.

One person who understood this feeling was Abel Tasman, a Dutch explorer who completed the first recorded European voyage to New Zealand in 1642. Here are some interesting facts about his remarkable journey:

Tasman left Batavia (now known as Jakarta) in August 1642 with two ships, the Heemskerck and Zeehaen. The mission lasted more than eight months, during which time he encountered hostile Maori tribesmen on several occasions.

He also discovered what he referred to as ‘Staten Landt’ — now called Tasmania — before eventually sailing back home via Mauritius in June 1643.

The death of Abel Tasman the explorer.

Abel Tasman was a Dutch explorer and navigator who, in 1642, became the first known European to reach the islands of Tasmania and New Zealand. His explorations not only opened up new trade routes for Europe but also revealed new lands that had been isolated for millions of years. Sadly, Abel Tasman passed away in October 1659 after a long illness at the age of 65.

During his lifetime, Abel Tasman explored much of Indonesia and made several trips to India as part of his role in the Dutch East India Company. His most famous voyage was when he set off from Batavia (Jakarta) on 14 August 1642 with two ships — Heemskerck and Zeehaen — with a crew of 205 people exploring unknown waters looking for rich trading opportunities and undiscovered land masses.

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What is Abel Tasman famous for?

Abel Tasman is a famous Dutch explorer and navigator. He was born in 1603 and his lifetime of exploration began when he joined the Dutch merchant navy at age 21.

His career as an explorer began in 1642 when the Governor General of Batavia gave him permission to explore the coastline of Australia, which had yet to be discovered by Europeans. During this journey, Tasman discovered Tasmania, New Zealand, Tonga and Fiji — making him one of the most renowned explorers of his time.

Tasman’s discoveries provided valuable insight into the cultural history of Australia and surrounding areas. He wrote detailed notes about his travels, including descriptions about plants and animals he encountered on his journeys.

In addition to being credited with discovering new landmasses, Tasman also established trade relationships between Holland and trading partners from various Pacific islands he visited during his travels.

Why did Abel Tasman call it New Zealand?

Abel Tasman was a Dutch explorer born in 1603 who is credited with being the first European to reach New Zealand. He called the island “Staten Landt” and then later, “Nieuw Zeeland.” This name was inspired by an area of Holland called Zeeland which Tasman had visited earlier in his life during his voyages to discover new lands.

Tasman wanted to honor his country by giving the land he discovered a similar name, thus creating ‘New Zealand’. In addition, Abel Tasman was also the first European known to have encountered Tasmania and Fiji.

During his voyage to New Zealand in 1642, Abel Tasman successfully mapped the entire south-west coast of both North and South islands from Cape Farewell on South Island all the way up to Cape Maria Van Diemen at top end of North Island.

How did Abel Tasman impact Australia?

Abel Tasman, the Dutch explorer and navigator, made a significant contribution to Australian history. He was born in 1603 and is credited for being the first known European to have visited Australia. His journey began in 1642 when he sailed from Batavia (present day Jakarta) in search of lands south-east of South Africa. After nearly three months of sailing, he made landfall on the west coast of Tasmania on November 24th, which is now recognized as ‘Abel Tasman Day’.

Tasman’s voyage was an incredible feat and his discoveries had far-reaching consequences for both Dutch traders and Australia. Through mapping out a detailed record of the coastline of both Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania) and New Zealand, Tasman enabled future exploration by Europeans and opened up trading opportunities between Europe and Australia.

In conclusion.

In conclusion,Abel Tasman was an incredible explorer and navigator who made immense advances in knowledge of the Southern Hemisphere, particularly Australia and New Zealand. His investigation of the region allowed for more European exploration, colonization, and trade. Although one of the lesser known historical figures in Europe, he is still remembered with gratitude by both Australia and New Zealand. Abel Tasman’s achievements demonstrate that even a single individual can have a great impact on human history.


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