7 min readDec 19, 2022

Facts About Abu Simbel. Abu Simbel is an ancient temple complex located in Egypt, near the border of Sudan. This historically significant site attracts thousands of visitors each year and has a rich history that dates back to the 13th century BC. Abu Simbel is home to two massive rock-cut temples, built by Pharaoh Ramses II to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh.

Abu Simbel.

Abu Simbel is an ancient temple complex located in Nubia, which is now part of Egypt. It was built by Pharaoh Ramses II as a memorial to himself and his queen, Nefertari. The temples at Abu Simbel are a prime example of ancient Egyptian art and architecture, and their preservation has been a source of wonder for people throughout the ages. Here are some interesting facts about Abu Simbel.

The main temple was dedicated to Ramses II’s two patron gods — Re-Horakhte and Amun-Re — as well as the deified versions of himself and his queen. There are four colossal statues of Ramses II that were carved into the front facade of the main temple — two seated statues over 20 meters high flank two standing ones that stand almost 10 meters tall!

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Location: Nile River Valley.

The Nile River Valley has a rich cultural history and boasts many fascinating monuments, including the temples of Abu Simbel. Located in southern Egypt, the Abu Simbel temples are two of the most impressive structures in the entire world! They were built during the 19th Dynasty by Pharaoh Ramses II to commemorate his victory at Kadesh.

One of the most remarkable facts about Abu Simbel is that it was designed so that on two days per year — February 22nd and October 22nd — light would travel down its grand axis, illuminating three statues representing Ramses II and slowly spreading across the temple interiors.

This incredible phenomenon has taken place for more than 3,000 years and still draws crowds from all around to witness it today. The temple also features four colossal statues of Ramses II standing over 65 feet tall!

History: Ramses II temple Complex.

One of the most spectacular examples of ancient Egyptian architecture is the Ramses II temple complex, also known as Abu Simbel. Located in Lower Nubia, this incredible site was built between 1264 and 1244 BC by Pharaoh Ramses II to honor himself and his queen.

It consists of two huge temples that are carved out from a sandstone cliff above the waters of Lake Nasser, located on the border between Egypt and Sudan. The larger temple is dedicated to Ramses II and four gods: Amun-Re, Ptah, Re-Horakhty, and himself.

The smaller one honors his beloved wife Queen Nefertari and Hathor — goddess of love and joy. The two temples were cut directly into the cliffside with hundreds of workers chiseling away at it much like Michelangelo worked on marble blocks for his sculptures.

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Design & Features: Grand Statues, Pillars, etc.

Abu Simbel is perhaps one of the most impressive examples of grand statues, pillars and other structures found in ancient Egypt. It consists of two enormous rock-cut temples built by Pharaoh Ramesses II around 1250 BCE to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh.

What makes Abu Simbel so remarkable is its size — the largest temple is an incredible 34 metres high and comes complete with four colossal statues of Ramesses himself! The smaller temple contains a further two large statues, this time depicting Queen Nefertari.

All these magnificent features make Abu Simbel a sight not to be missed for any visitor to Egypt. The site also provides fascinating insights into Egyptian history as it once housed several gods including Ra-Horakhty, Ptah and Amun-Ra.

Preservation Efforts: UNESCO & Aswan Dam.

Preservation Efforts: UNESCO & Aswan Dam has been a hot topic for discussion throughout the years. One of the most successful efforts for preservation of ancient sites in Egypt has been The Abu Simbel temples, which were moved to higher ground in order to save them from being flooded with the construction of the Aswan Dam.

It was a highly complex project that took four years to complete and involved an international team headed by UNESCO.

The two temples, dedicated to the Pharaoh Ramesses II and his wife Nefertari, were cut down into blocks weighing up to 30 tons each and carefully transported 200 meters above their original locations. This move also helped preserve many other nearby archaeological discoveries, such as tombs, inscriptions and statuary that would otherwise have been submerged in water forever.

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Significance to Ancient Egypt.

The ancient city of Abu Simbel, located in southern Egypt, is a historically significant site that attracts many visitors. It was built during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II (1303–1213 BCE), who dedicated it to two gods: Ptah and Amun. This impressive complex consists of two temples carved into a hillside overlooking the Nile.

Facts About Abu Simbel.
Credit: Have Clothes.

The larger temple is dedicated to Ramses himself, while the smaller one honors his wife Queen Nefertari and their children. Inside both temples there are elaborate wall carvings depicting battles and important events in Egyptian history.

Abu Simbel is particularly famous for its colossal statues of Ramses at the entrance of the temple complex. These huge sculptures portray him with traditional symbols associated with kingship such as a cobra headdress and an ankh signifying life and power.

What is so special about Abu Simbel?

Abu Simbel is one of the most extraordinary ancient monuments left behind by the ancient Egyptians. Located in southern Egypt, Abu Simbel is two large rock-cut temples cut into a mountain that were built in 1264 BC during reign of Pharaoh Ramses II. The complex was designed to honor both Pharaoh Ramses and his queen, Nefertari. It was originally intended as a lasting monument to their legacy and power.

The first temple at Abu Simbel is dedicated to Ramses himself and includes four huge statues of him sitting with the god Re Horakhte on his throne. These statues are so impressive that they can be seen from miles away! Inside, there are also many hieroglyphic inscriptions showing his victories in battle against the Hittites and other foreign enemies.

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Is Abu Simbel worth a visit?

Abu Simbel is an ancient temple complex in Egypt that is often referred to as a “must-see” destination for tourists. This spectacular site was built in the 13th century BC by Pharaoh Ramses II and is widely recognized for its grand stature and remarkable history.

One of the most interesting facts about Abu Simbel is that it was carved out of a single piece of rock. It consists of two colossal seated statues, each representing one of Ramses’ temples, which are flanked by four standing statues depicting his family members.

The walls inside the temple depict scenes from Egyptian mythology and depict some of Ramses’ greatest victories in battle. Visiting Abu Simbel can be a unique experience for any traveler due to its incredible history and awe-inspiring architecture.

What happened to the statue at Abu Simbel?

The ancient Egyptian temple complex of Abu Simbel, located on the west bank of the Nile River in Aswan Governorate, is renowned for its two imposing statues which stand guard at the entrance. Built in 1244 BC by King Ramses II, these statues depict him and his queen Nefertari seated side-by-side. The statue stands over 20 meters high and has become an iconic symbol of Egypt’s grandeur in antiquity.

However, without proper preservation, this majestic monument would have been lost forever due to encroaching water from Lake Nasser caused by the building of the Aswan High Dam. In order to prevent flooding from submerging Abu Simbel underwater, a team of international experts worked together to move it 200 meters inland in an operation that was known as “The Rescue of Abu Simbel”.

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When did the head fall off Abu Simbel?

The Great Temple of Abu Simbel is an archaeological site located in Egypt’s Nubian Desert. This majestic feat of engineering was constructed by Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BC and consists of two grand temples dedicated to both Ra-Harakhty and Amun.

The temple has long been associated with its mesmerizing statues, including one depicting Pharaoh Ramesses II himself, which stands guard at the entrance to the temple. One of these sculptures, however, holds a special place in the minds of history buffs: when did the head fall off Abu Simbel?

The answer to this question dates back to 1818 when Italian explorer Giovanni Belzoni first visited the temple. During his exploration he noticed that one of the stone figures had lost its head and quickly surmised that it must have happened centuries ago due to natural erosion.

In conclusion:

Abu Simbel was an incredible feat of architecture and engineering, created over 3,000 years ago. It is a testament to the craftsmanship of ancient Egyptians, and stands as an inspiration for modern architects today.

The two temples at Abu Simbel feature a unique blend of artistry and geometry that creates a stunning visual effect. The immense size of the temple complex demonstrates the grandeur and power of the pharaohs who commissioned it.


Written by IMAFF

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